Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Things I Do Repeatedly in a Day that Keeps me Humble

I've noticed recently that I have adapted to a bizarre domestic routine that is so repetitive, I wonder where my days go. I seriously loss count on how often I do these things. Some I dread, some I detest, some I quite enjoy. But I find that doing these simple tasks over and over each day keeps me strangely humble.
  1. Feed my family a meal that is as balanced as I can swing
  2. Pick up the balance meal off the floor
  3. Sweep the balance meal I could not pick up off the floor
  4. Take a deep breath and say a little prayer
  5. Rinse off my daughter food tray, sanitize, and store away
  6. Listen to my newly tattering daughter whack her head off the floor again
  7. Cuddle and kisses to stop the tears and away she goes
  8. Smell something funky? Diaper Change!
  9. Turn on Veggie Tales Worship CD just to see my daughter bop around
  10. Daughter tries to dance standing up and whack
  11. Cuddle and kisses to stop the tears and away she goes again
  12. Eye rub and a fuss...nap time?
  13. Make bottle
  14. Feed little one the bottle
  15. Take another deep breath and say a prayer
  16. Pick up the toy bomb and put it away in assigned bins
  17. Do some chores
  18. Baby cries...
  19. Deep breath and a prayer
  20. Start at 1 again
This is my new life! Sometime I get to go for walks, outings, and playgroups. It makes me feel like a rebel to my schedule. BWAHAHAHA! Take that routine! But who am I kidding? I am a sucker for order so this is typically my life. And so long as you can keep a secret I will tell you this, I do get tired, I do get bored, but I would not change a second of my life as a Mom for anything in the world.

Monday, November 28, 2011

A Brief Intermission to The gDiaperies: "I Had a Dream!"

So I had a dream last night that I attended a "magical" gconference. It started like this: I walk into this beautiful building blinded by light bursting from every angle. As I enter, I am greeted at the door by a friendly woman who hangs me a gtot. After a little chat, she tells me to make my way around the building to the many stations set up. As I travel from booth to booth, I am approached by a helpful gExpert and given free "samples". gPants, gCloths, and get this hand knit gLegwarmers? By the end of my dream, my tot was literally overflowing with gTreasures. The best part? There was no ravenous mommy mod trampling me to get the "goods" before I could. I woke up unbelievably calm, wishing it has been real. Because of this dream I was "awakened" to an entirely new level of my cloth diapering addiction. I think I might need a shrink...?